Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My break up letter to fast food...


How's it goin'? I know we haven't seen much of each other lately, things have been busy ya know? We (Kristin and I) have been trying to eat healthier. I know you think its just a fad, but lately, we've been kind of ENJOYING it. It seemed like fun at first and maybe just a "go with the crowd" mentality but lately, well, we have been finding it HARDER to not be healthier. I have just noticed that you haven't been giving me the same thrill you used to. Late night grub fests, the simple pleasure of greasy foods, we had some great times. But our last few encounters have left me wanting something else. Do you remember that night a few weeks ago at Jade East (which isn't technically fast food, but is the Chinese food equivalent of fast food I am pretty sure)??? It just wasn't the same. I left your place feeling bad and unsatisfied. Then just a couple of days ago, at Taco Bell it was the same thing. I used to remember the unhealthy goodness of that delicious 30% "beef." But after I finished I didn't feel the same joy. I would use the "its not you its me" line but honestly its you. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy some fast food once in a while but even then we try to make a healthier choice. I can eat at Chick-Fil-A and feel good about myself. I think this break has been good for us. At least I know its been good for me. We could still have a future but I just don't think your willing to make the necessary changes to make it work. I guess what I'm saying it, this isn't a divorce but our temporary break-up has been a good thing and I want it to continue. I NEED it to continue. If you love me you will understand fast food. I'll still see ya around and visit once in a while but our relationship is changing and you need to come to terms with that. I have.

