Monday, January 3, 2011

A New Year's Blog (Creative, huh?)

Well we are on our way into a new year, and with new year's, come new resolutions. Now I know a New Year's Resolution blog isn't exactly creative or mind blowing, but I think it is an unwritten rule you have to write SOMETHING to address the new year. As for my resolutions, they don't change much, but only because they are important to me, and they are things that I WANT to get better at. To spare you the wordiness and blabbing, I will try and put this in a quick read format for you. Your welcome.
1. Be healthier - This replaces my traditional lose weight resolution. Doing the right thing, cutting down unhealthy foods, exercising more, drinking more water will all lead to weight loss. In reality, my goal is to be sub 265.
2. Journal more - My wife got me started journaling, and I have done a fairly good job for myself, but I need to make more time of it, the past few months I have lagged quite a bit.
3. Read the Bible more/go to church more - This is a goal for my wife and I pretty much every year. I want to become more immersed in my religious pursuit, now its times for me to DO IT.
4. Be a better husband (and now father) - There are many ways to do this. Do a better job of listening to Kristin, be more helpful around the house, make sure I am spending QUALITY time with them, not just in the same house as them.
5. Have a garage sale/clean out the garage/set up my football office - We have a lot of crap, it needs to be sold or disposed of. And I want to set up a football office for all of my football crap, film, white board and what not.

There are many other things I want to do and work on, and I still do throughout the year. I would add them, but I like to keep my resolutions around 3-5, its a doable amount of tasks, but not overwhelming. So far, we are in day 3, and I am off to a good start. As for the next 3 months, well, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. You are a wonderful husband. Possibly the most wonderful one that ever existed.
